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Hose Reel Fire Fighting System

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The “SAFEX” HRS 100 & HRS 200 Hose Reel System are specially deigned self contained Fire Fighting System for use in Areas where pressurized Water supplies are unavailable or where the main pressure is too low to provide an effective Fire Fighting capability.

This system incorporates Hose & Reel Assembly and the Water is kept under a special designed container. (Unit is available with or without trolley)

The Mechanism is very simple in operation. It is operated by piercing Gas Cartridge by applying Pressure on Plunger, thereby discharging the contents. The equipment provides a simple reliable and effective Fire Fighting Performance even in the hands of an untrained personal.

The easily controlled Jet/Spray Nozzle gives a throw of 7-10 Meters on the Jet Settings, a nominal discharge of 40 LPM. The HRS. 100 unit which contained 100 Ltrs., 100Ltrs., water, provides minimum 180 seconds of effective Fire Fighting, while HRS 200 which doubles the capacity at 200 Liters has a duration of 360 seconds.

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